Author: Eliz

Home Care Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Care

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Many people think that by hiring outside help it means they don’t care as much about their loved one as they should or that they are somehow shirking their responsibility and taking the easy way out. In truth, it can mean the exact opposite. Enlisting home care Washington DC services can be the solution that allows you to provide support as a friend or family member rather than a healthcare provider. Admitting that you need help, medical or non-medical, can be the first step to ensuring your loved one is taken care of.

Understanding Home Care

There are a wide variety of home care options and services, and they aren’t limited to seeking assistance after an injury or due to an illness. While both of these circumstances would warrant nursing care or physical aid, you may also consider hiring a home care provider for a multitude of other reasons. …

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Common Uses of Medical Marijuana

You may have heard about medical marijuana in the news recently. As many states begin to change their laws about how medical marijuana St Augustine FL can be used, and what sorts of illnesses it can be used to treat, news coverage has increased dramatically.

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Currently, there are multiple options available for ingesting medical marijuana. The substance is most commonly smoked, but can also be inhaled through a vaporizer, eaten, applied to the skin in a lotion, or cream, or swallowed as a liquid. Each form of ingestion appears to be effective.

How Medical Marijuana Works

The chemicals you absorb when you ingest medical marijuana are known as cannabinoids. These active chemicals are similar to other bodily chemicals that are associated with pain, memory, appetite, and even movement.

Current research suggests that medical marijuana works by doing the following:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Relieving pain
  • Stimulating appetite, which can improve weight gain
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How To Make Captive Company Investments Cost-Effective

When it comes to methods of self-insuring a business, captives rank highly because their existence as a separate entity minimizes a lot of potential administrative woes, and it also clearly delineates the liabilities incurred by operating an insurance company from the ones you encounter in your day-to-day business operation. That’s important, because even insurance companies need insurance, and your new captive business will have to have the resources to protect itself. If that seems like it’s going to create a lot of extra work, remember that one of the reasons businesses love to create captive insurers is because you can outsource the management of them to companies that specialize in it, making it even easier to operate a captive.

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Investment Costs

The biggest barrier to setting up a captive company is the same hurdle that often poses a problem for other methods of self-insurance, namely the up-front cost of keeping …

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Reasons Why Reading Is Good for Your Brain

A common complaint of society is that people don’t read as much as they used to. This is no surprise given our busy schedules and the abundant distractions competing for our free time. However, besides providing entertainment, regular reading has health benefits for both sides of the brain.

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Reading as Continuing Education

The most obvious way reading can stimulate the brain is by letting us learn about any subject under the sun. There are books, magazines and articles available to satisfy every special interest, whether it’s a tome on Roman history or an implant dentistry journal. Virtually all this information is accessible at your convenience and for cheaper than the cost of a college course on the subject.

For visual learners, who make up a majority of the population, physically reading the material is the best way for the brain to study and retain information. While the brain …

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Alternatives to Giving Birth at the Hospital

If your due date is approaching, it is important that you and your partner come up with a birth plan based on your needs. Here are some great options for where and how to give birth that are different than the traditional hospital birth.

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Home Birth

Home births are a great option for low risk pregnancies, as well as for mothers who want to complete this life changing event in the comfort of their own home. Familiar surroundings can drastically reduce anxiety. Home births can also save money and the stress of transport to and from the hospital. However, if you want to do a home birth, it is vital to have a contingency plan in case there is an emergency that requires medical intervention. 

Birth Center

Sometimes it is better for your situation to have access to a midwife at a birth center or other place that is specifically …

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