Everyone is different and has unique dental needs. Some people are born with marvelously healthy mouths with great gums and healthy teeth. Most people, however, usually have to undergo some sort of dental procedure during their lifetime. Some common ones include fillings, extractions, implants and caps.

1. Fillings and Root Canals
A cavity is a small hole in the tooth that requires attention. Without prompt care, the cavity can grow larger and decay can spread throughout the tooth. If not caught early enough, the tooth may need to be extracted instead of filled. Getting a filling is a standard procedure that can fix the problem before it spreads. The dentist will clean all of the bacteria and decay from the hole and fill it with amalgam, silver, gold, porcelain or other composite material. All dentists are able to fill teeth, from Flower Dental to offices in the United Kingdom.
If the decay has already spread to enough of the pulp of the tooth then can be saved with a regular filling, a root canal will be needed. The dentist may have the ability to do it themselves, or they may write a referral to a specialist. A root canal can be done in one session but may take more depending on what shape the tooth is in. They will remove all of the decayed portions of the tooth down into the roots and fill it with gutta-percha.
2. Extractions
Teeth need to be extracted for a variety of reasons. If it breaks beyond repair, then it will need to come out. Wisdom teeth are also pulled to prevent crowding or to avoid other issues in the mouth. Some orthodontic procedures may require more room in the mouth to move teeth into proper alignment, which means that some of them will need to be pulled. The process is simple; the gums are numbed, and the tooth is wiggled until it comes out.
3. Implants
If a tooth has fallen out or been extracted, it is a good idea to get an implant. Implants are meant to be permanent replacement teeth that can last for decades. If the gap where a tooth was is left vacant, then the teeth on either side of the hole can begin to shift, changing the shape of the mouth. In some cases, the teeth around the gap can even fall out themselves. Implants fill the missing spot and function like a normal tooth.
Dental procedures have come a long way over the centuries. It is now possible to save most teeth from extraction and have a healthy mouth for life without pain.