In the fast paced modern world it’s easy to fail to take care of yourself, or make your partner pick up the slack. That’s not fair to them and it isn’t fair to you. It doesn’t matter whether you’re content to be single, in a happy relationship, or looking for your soulmate; if you’re not taking time to be your own soulmate, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Between jobs and the news and your busy social calendar, you probably know that you need to take time for self care but you might not know where to begin.

A Relaxing Day Out
Take the day off and take yourself out to that movie you’ve been wanting to see, or maybe visit a facial spa Norfolk VA or your area. Go shopping, or spend time a beloved park. Going places by yourself takes practice and might feel awkward at first, but until you learn to love your own company, it can be hard to truly appreciate anyone else’s.
A Nice Evening In
If you feel strange about going places by yourself, then set up a nice evening in. Pick your favorite movie and your favorite blanket. Order in and treat yourself to something nice. Make sure to block off the entire evening, and don’t let anyone encroach upon it. Your time is valuable and it is worth taking some for yourself.
The Little Things
All the things you might daydream about the love of your life doing for you are absolutely things you can do for yourself. Buy yourself flowers. Make yourself a nice meal or a nice drink after a long, hard day. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Don’t wait for someone to come along and save you when you can save yourself in a thousand small ways every day.